World’s 1st university-like Artificial Intelligence initiative launched (somewhat) in Jamaica. (MLJI)
Well, Abu Dhabi somewhat beat me to it starting in 2020, because in 2016 I had somewhat launched “Machine Learning Jamaica Institute”, which then seemed to be the world’s 1st university-like Artificial Intelligence. (At the time I had not detected my initiative as anything novel worldwide.)
In a local/Jamaican newspaper article/column in June 2018, I had written about the university-like curriculum that was already available online (MLJI), even though physical building was not yet in place..and still is not yet in place :(.
Albeit, I am extremely pleased by the creation of Abu Dhabi’s initiative, and it will probably go quite further than the initiative I somewhat launched backed then, given Abu Dahbi’s resources.
Jordan Micah Bennett, software developer, National Commercial Bank